Piano Online
Online piano resources, free public domain sheet music, purchasable contemporary sheet music and piano instruction videos.

International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)
In existence since 2006, The International Music Score Library Project has "created a music library to provide music scores free of charge to anyone with internet access, with several other projects in planning. IMSLP is also entirely collaborative, and all contributions are greatly welcome." Under the Petrucci Library section, search/browse for music by composer, melody, instrumentation and recording.

Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1820-1885
"Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music contains more than 62,500 pieces of historical sheet music registered for copyright: more than 15,000 registered during the years 1820-1860 and more than 47,000 registered during the years 1870-1885. Included are popular songs, operatic arias, piano music, sacred and secular choral music, solo instrumental music, method books and instructional materials, and music for band and orchestra. The collection documents the attitudes and tastes of a bygone era with music of many varieties and sources, all of it published in the United States."

Band Music From the Civil War Era, Multiformats
Band Music from the Civil War Era makes available examples of a brilliant style of brass band music that flourished in the 1850s in the United States and remained popular through the nineteenth century. Bands of this kind served in the armies of both the North and the South during the Civil War. This online collection includes both printed and manuscript music (mostly in the form of "part books" for individual instruments) selected from the collections of the Music Division of the Library of Congress and the Walter Dignam Collection of the Manchester Historic Association (Manchester, New Hampshire). The collection features over 700 musical compositions, as well as 8 full-score modern editions and 19 recorded examples of brass band music in performance.
American Memory Project, Library of Congress
American Memory Project, Library of Congress. 22,000 items of sheet music from copyright deposit. Go to the Search area. Change the selector from "All Formats" to "Music Scores" and fill in the search field next to it.

African-American Sheet Music, 1850-1920, From the collections of Brown University
This collection consists of 1,305 pieces of African-American sheet music dating from 1850 through 1920. The collection includes many songs from the heyday of antebellum black face minstrelsy in the 1850s and from the abolitionist movement of the same period.

California Sheet Music Project (UC Berkeley)
"A virtual library of some 2,700 pieces of sheet music published in California between 1852 and 1900, together with related materials such as a San Francisco publisher's catalog of 1872, programs, songsheets, advertisements, and photographs. Images of every printed page of sheet music from eleven locations have been scanned at 400 dpi, in color where indicated. In 2007 some 700 sheet music editions were added from the library of the Society of California Pioneers. Initially (1997-1998, 1999-2000) the project was funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. The archive of digitized images is maintained by the Museum Informatics Project, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley."

Chopin Early Editions
"The Chopin collection at the University of Chicago Library includes over 400 first and early printed editions of musical compositions by Frédéric Chopin, maintained in the Special Collections Research Center..."
"Chopin Early Editions consist of digitized images of all scores in the University of Chicago Library's Chopin collection. Users can search or browse Chopin Early Editions via a variety of data points, including titles, genres, and plate numbers."

The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
"The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University holds a significant collection of 19th and early 20th century American sheet music. The Historic American Sheet Music Project provides access to digital images of 3042 pieces from the collection, published in the United States between 1850 and 1920."

Charles H. Templeton Sheet Music Collection, Mississippi State University Libraries.
"The sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. which also includes music players and recordings.
Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the site. Some restricted titles are available upon request."

The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University
"The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music consists of over 29,000 pieces of American popular music. The collection spans the years 1780 to 1980, but its strength is its throrough documentation of nineteenth-century America through popular music. The collection is especially strong in music spawned by military conflicts from the War of 1812 through World War I, and minstrel music is also well-represented."
Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads, University of Oxford
"The Bodleian Library has unparalleled holdings of over 30,000 ballads in several major collections. The original printed materials range from the 16th- to the 20th-Century. The Broadside Ballads project makes the digitised copies of the sheets and ballads available to the research community."

University of South Florida, Tampa Campus, Library, Special Collections. Florida Sheet Music Collection.
Title or name search; display of place, publisher, date.

Center for Popular Music, Middle Tennessee University
"The Center for Popular Music (CPM) is a research center devoted to the study and scholarship of popular music in America. The Center maintains an archive of research materials stretching from the early eighteenth century to the present and develops and sponsors programs in vernacular music. Anyone is welcome to use the CPM’s collections and services for research and scholarly pursuits."
Sheet music (50,000), song broadsides (4900), posters, playbills, strong on minstrel music. No images.

eMusicTheory: Piano Keys Drill (More eMusicTheory links below)
mahalo.com: Mahalo (Lindsey Cloud; chordal approach to playing pop songs)
pianonanny.com: Piano Nanny (featured on the NBC Nightly News 1998, CNN 1997)
pianotricks.com: Piano Tricks (free video piano lessons)
youtube.com: YouTube (type "piano lessons" in the search engine)
zebrakeys.com: Zebra Keys (50 free piano lessons)
Interval building - Clef: Treble, Bass
Interval identification - Clef: Treble, Bass
Chord building - Clef: Treble, Bass
Chord identification - Clef: Treble, Bass
Chord functions - Clef: Treble, Bass
Paced note names - Clef: Treble, Bass, Grand staff
Rhythmic dictation - Clef: Treble
Rhythmic performance - Clef: Treble
Key signature identification - Clef: Treble, Bass
Scale building - Clef: Treble, Bass
Piano keys- Clef: Grand staff
Guitar frets - Clef: Treble
String instrument fingerboards: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass
First Species Counterpoint - Clef: Grand staff
Ear training: Intervals, Chords,  Scales and modes,  Chord progressions,  Perfect pitch test,  Scale degrees (function),  Intervals in functional context
Melodic dictation: Treble,