Lesson Policies - 2015
Payments are made in person by cash or online (via Zelle, ApplePay, Venmo or PayPal). Checks are not accepted.
Monthly payments are due on the first scheduled lesson of each month, whether there is a lesson or not. Payments made after the 15th of the month will be assessed a late fee of $10.00.
From September 1st through May 31st, the charge for monthly lessons is a flat rate that will not change, regardless whether there are 5 lessons in the month or less due to holidays. The result is an average of 4 lessons per month. There will be no deductions from the flat fee for any missed lessons.
Any private/semi-private lesson missed by a student may be made up at a later time, but ONLY if the teacher is notified 24 hours in advance.
If a private/semi-private lesson is missed FOR ANY REASON without the 24-hour notification it will be considered a forfeited lesson and will not be made up or refunded. Same day notifications are appreciated for politeness.
Any private/semi-private lesson missed by the teacher will be made up at a later time.
During the summer months (June, July and August) students will be charged each month for however many lessons occur on the calendar. A total of 3 lessons may be deducted from summer lesson fees to accommodate for vacation schedules.
Students missing 4 or more lessons throughout the summer without payment run the risk of losing their appointment time when they return to their lessons.